This is a 21-foot ocean cruiser being finished out at Artisan Boat Works in Rockport.

At Downeast Custom Boats in Yarmouth ROYAL has her new keel and a number of her frames. They are still adding frames and floors and will replace the stem. When this is completed, they will do some replanking.
Artisan Boat Works, Rockport
In the corner of the main shop next to the office where the Bugatti yacht tender sat undergoing a total restoration for nearly two years. Well, she was gone, having been moved out, first to the loft where some minor work was done and then to the storage shed. There she was being made ready to ship to Newport, Rhode Island. There she would have her engine installed and some other minor details done.
In her place most of the winter was a 21-foot singlehanded ocean cruiser designed by Tom McNaughton of Eastport. They started building her last October and she should be completed this fall. The hull is strip composite with a real, nice interior, which is what they are currently working on. Since she does not have an engine, this creates a lot more living and storage space.
Next, they will begin construction in August on a 39-foot luxury daysailer for a customer from Connecticut, designed by Bob Stephens of Belfast. She will have a full interior: galley, head and a couple of small settees with full-standing headroom under the house. Forward there is a double berth. Alec Brainerd, owner of the yard, said, “This will be a big job for us. The biggest new boat we have ever built. We are looking to hire a couple more carpenters.”
Over the winter they restored an Alerion in the paint bay and she has been launched.
A Dark Harbor 20 was rebuilt this spring and she has gone back out to Islesboro.
Two winters ago, they rebuilt the hull on an Idem scow from the Adirondacks. She came back this year to have her coamings and covering boards replaced. They are now building a mast for her and by the end of July she will be heading home.
The Concordia 31 they were putting a new bottom in is finished and gone with a very happy owner.
One interesting project is 40-foot Sparkman & Stephens designed sloop, which was built by Trumpy. They dropped her ballast keel and replaced the bolts running into the deadwood. They have also replaced the house, cockpit and installed a new Beta diesel engine. Now, they are doing the brightwork and installing the winches.
It is interesting to note that several of these boats have new owners, who are bringing their boats back to Bristol condition. Unfortunately, there are more boats on the market than there are customers, but those costumers have a very good selection to pick from. These owners must have a good understanding of yachting’s history as it is a must when picking a classic that will hold its value.
Walking through the storage buildings at Artisan is like walking around a museum. There are so many classics, all in pristine condition. One boat is Buzzards Bay 15, which they built back in 2014, for a customer who sailed her around Cape Cod. She has returned and is for sale as her owners have decided to go to a power boat.
Boricua Custom Boats, Steuben, ME
In the first bay they have a Wesmac 50. They have begun putting in the structure under the platform and the engine is in. Unfortunately, this boat is in limbo as the owner has stopped construction and put her up for sale. Moises Ortiz, owner of the shop, added, “We are finishing the foundation as the owner has decided not to finish the project. She might go back to Wesmac.”
Just off the bow of the Wesmac is 46-year-old Repco 22. They have removed all the wood and will build her back all composite. She is a day cruiser and by the end of July they should have her cabin done and ready to launch.
In the next bay they have a Northern Bay 41, which is being finished off as a cruiser. Under the platform is a sea chest that houses all the seacocks, gray water tank, battery box all with easy access. Soundown was added and then the platform put down. Everything in the cabin has been built. This includes three berths, head with shower and hanging locker. Up in the shelter they used pre-made cabinets, which saved a lot of time and expense. She is powered with an 800 or 900-hp Scania, which should push her a long quite well.
Also, outside is a Wayne Beal 36, which needs some repairs made. She was purchased by a fisherman for dragging and had Kennedy’s Marine Engineering installed a new engine. As this was being done they discovered some of the structure was soft and needed to be replaced, which Moises and crew have been doing. They have much of the structure under the platform done and hopefully they can finish putting in the platform by mid-August.
For several years they have been finishing of a Mussel Ridge 46 for a customer from Texas. They completed their part and her owner had her shipped to New Hampshire to get her wiring and systems done. Some of what they had done was not in as they had to remove the generator again, as it was not powerful enough for what was needed. They started with a Northern Lights 15Kw. That was removed and an 18Kw generator was installed and now that one has been removed and replaced with a 22Kw generator.
The next new build is a Flower 43 for a customer from New York City.
Buxton Boats, Sunset, ME
In the shop the hull of a 32-foot plus wooden boat has been lofted out for a customer from Port Clyde. She is based on one of John’s Bay Boat models and when asked they could not do the construction and the customer heard that Peter Buxton might be interested. Peter said, “Somebody told him that I might be free, and so he checked in with me and I agreed to do it.”
The boat has been lofted and the keel and stern pieces as well as the station moulds are all made. Presently, Peter was waiting on wood for the keel. As soon as the wood for the keel arrives he will cut and shape, put in the rabbet line and put together. He then will set up with the station moulds. Construction will be cedar over oak, carvel planked. The keel will be 5-inches wide with 2¼ x 1¼ or 2 1/8 x 1¼ frames. Peter said that he made her a little deeper so she could swing a larger wheel. The plans call for a 22-inch propeller, but by deepening the keel she could swing a 24-inch prop.
The interior is going to be very simple with just a bench in the stern and a locker down below. She will be powered with a 355-hp Cummins. The appointments will be traditional such as brass half-round guards, no varnish, all paint. Peter hopes to have this project done and over next spring.
Peter also hopes to cruise south again this year on his Northern Bay 36 cruiser he built in the early 2000s. He is hoping to go back to Florida and then maybe skip out to the Bahamas.
Now, outside was the Cayman catboat, which is done and sitting on a trailer. Peter had given the shipping company the weight and was now waiting for a cost for shipping.